Cricket Grand Final Conrad

Today, 29.3.2008, was the first day of Conrad’s Cricket Grand Final. It was a fabulous match. The weather was perfect (slightly overcast, 23 Degrees) and Conrad played beautifully. All that practice we did over Easter seems to have paid off. I was so excited I noticed that I was holding my breath at times. It is amazing to see one’s own child play out there on the cricket pitch. Particularly when expectations are high for him to do well because the coach has a lot of faith in his ability to help the team win.

I am just happy that he is doing well and enjoys it. Of course it is nice to see that he has a talent for cricket and that he has gained so many skills in his first season. But even if they don’t win the Grand Final the team did really well all season and although we had to get up early some Saturdays it is wonderful to watch how the boys improved and learned to be a team. Also they have a fantastic coach who really encourages the individual abilities of each child and tries to build up their confidence in those areas rather than focus on what they cannot do well.

Anyway, tomorrow is the last day and we are 1 run behind with 2 out. the other team hasn’t got any out yet. So the score is 2 for 52 for us and Nil for 53 for Penshurst West Maroons. They are a good team and the parents seem nice and pleasant so at least we can all enjoy the days without any acrimony between the players or parents. Some teams are pretty rough, but ours and our opposition are fair and nice players, which makes the experience enjoyable. Whoever wins deserves it and I am sure that either side will be good winners or losers.