Sarah Palin, her new culture war and her book of myths

  • Like the German news magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ says : “Sahra Palin’s book is full of trivial statements, historical myth and pseydo truths” (,1518,730554,00.html)But she and her ‘false reality’ have to be taken seriously because its simplisitic gibberish feeds into the fears of many Americans that their country is going to the dogs if Obama stays in power. She vilifies whomever and whatever she can and her platitudes fuel the prejudices of the mostly politically uneducated electorate wo are ready to believe the lies she feeds them about Obama and the Republicans in general.

    it is worrying that her distortions of history and her nasty hate campaign against anyone who is more ‘Liberal’ than she seems to strike a chord with all those looking for easy solutions. Shei is not unlike any other deluded, unhinged political figure – Dangerous and extremely driven. No matter how ludicrous her cry for ‘reclaiming America’, the national financal stress, the unwinnable war in Afghanistan and the increasing ( right wing fuelled) fear of illegal immigrants create a fertile ground for demagoguery. She is like any other demagogue, and the similarity to Hitler is astounding, i.e. completely self-righteous, without a shred of self doubt and full of hate for particular groups of society. Many a tyrant started out being underestimated by the progressive and moderate parts of society, and if Americans do not come to their senses soon, their silence regarding the evil machinations of Sarah Palin and her powerful supporters may create a tyrannical monster that will destroy justice and democracy.

  • Thursday, 25.11.2010: 4.30 pm AEST
    as news about the fighting between North and South Korea are flooding in, Sarah Palin shows her ignorance and confusion by saying on Fox News (where else) that America has to support ‘North’ Korea. – If they don’t get rid of her now than there is no saving the United States of America.

  • The Sarah Palin Watchdog Team – PALINGATES:


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