Author Archives: Steven

British archeological TV shows

I really enjoy putting my feet up and watching some guys digging in a soggy trench and going ooh-aah when they find a bit of old pottery or lump of rust. Time Team has been a favourite for a long time. Baldrick from Blackadder (aka Tony Robinson) is the host but he has a bunch of side-kicks. These include a guy who looks and sounds like Catweazle, and another with a west country drawl and funny hat.

Not to be confused with Tony Robinson talking about the Worst Jobs in History.

TimeTeam2007_0 PhilHardingArchaeologist

More recently I’ve begun watching Two Men in a Trench. The two men, Neil Oliver and Tony Pollard, investigate battlefield archeology and like to dress up in period gear. They also have a team of diggers and experts. A notable expert is Andy Robertshaw who runs the Royal Logistic Corps Museum (standing behind the Red Coat).

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10 December 2009: I’m also enjoying ‘A History of Scotland’ on SBS at the moment. So far the first episode of five has been screened. It covered the early history: the Roman invasion of northern Britain and their withdrawal as far south as Hadrian’s Wall, the conflict between Picts and Gaels and the establishment of the Kingdom of Alba.

16 December 2009: sometimes Neil Oliver overdoes his emphatic delivery. It leaves him with nowhere to go when he wants to reach a crescendo. I’m waiting for him to yell “and then we were overun by the FUCKING ENGLISH !! BASTARDS!!!”

21 December 2009: Robert the Bruce, King Robert I of the Scots (1274-1329), versus King Edward I (1239-1307) of England. What a bloody mess.

6 January 2010: I missed episode 4 (the rise of the Stewart royal family and the creation of the highland/lowland divide) but saw the finale, episode 5. Neil seemed to have calmed down. Maybe he knew that the series was coming to an end, as was Scotland as an autonomous kingdom.


Kangaroo Valley July 2009

View Kangaroo Valley in a larger map

Places to visit:

  • Tallowa Dam – take the Mount Scanzi Road out of Kangaroo Valley Village, which turns into Tallowa Dam Road. This ends up on the southern side of the Kangaroo River. (20 kms)
  • Bendeela Campground – Bendeela Road comes off Moss Vale Road just north of the Village. Turn left after a few kms (7km)
  • Upper Kangaroo Valley – north of the Village turn right on the Upper River Road. (12 km)
  • Cambewarra Lookout – head south along Moss Vale Rd, turn left at Tourist Rd (10 km)
  • Red Rocks Nature Reserve – instead of turning left at Tourist Rd, turn right into Leebold Hill Rd, a dirt road on the hairpin (10 km)
  • Mannings Lookout – head back towards Fitzroy Falls but turn right before you get there (16 km)

This list from the KV tourism website

  • Three waterfalls: Carrington Falls, Belmore Falls and Fitzroy Falls
  • Two vantage points to enjoy the view at Hindmash Lookout and Mannings Lookout
  • National Park access at Fitzroy Falls visitors centre
  • Hampden Bridge (National Trust listed)
  • Delicious places to stop are Source, Café Bella and Jing Jo Thai, the Barrengarry Pie Shop or you can take a picnic and stop at Fitzroy Falls Visitors Centre to admire the views
  • Kangaroo Valley historic walk with heritage buildings
  • Kangaroo Valley Cemetery (National Trust listed)

Things to take or do:

  • Stargazing: binoculars, tripod for camera, warm clothes, star-charts/notes. Ian Musgrave’s Southern Sky Watch and the Kangaroo Valley tourism website also has a page for stargazing.
  • Bug collecting: extension cord, lamp, white sheet, glass jar.
  • Games: balls, raquets, cards.